Tuesday, June 14, 2011

eleven months and one day old

And for the first time since her birth, she spent the night in her very own room. She's 'napped' in her crib for quite some time during the daylight hours, but last night she went solo and did a great job. She woke three times, but each time was able to soothe herself right back into slumber.

It was a strange night for we-the-parents, or at least it was for she-the-mother. It took Mama quite some time to drift off, and then, right on queue, her body awakened for that three a.m. feed ... only to find the baby didn't want it. Sleep was not easy for a body so used to waking and going without. Here's hoping this night is even better than the last.

Eleven months seems like an impossibility, especially considering that in only a few weeks, this baby will celebrate one full year of life outside the womb. She still feels like a bitty little baby to us, and it is hard to wrap our minds around the idea of counting her age in years instead of weeks and months.

She loves to play with her sister, and is almost always happy if she can sit near her and play with some of the big girl toys. Isla, like her older sis, loves dinosaurs and hotwheels. She likes to follow sister around, and especially loves crawling in and out of the forts that Mama makes in the living room.

Though she said a form of it long ago, she has near perfected the word "Mama" and adds to her vocabulary 'kih-kah' and 'ah-da', for 'kitty cat' and 'dadoo' respectively.

Here she is, cute'n it up outside Fort Adorable. Check out those teef.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

We can't wait to see what else bitty adorable can do. I love you and miss you!