Wednesday, January 19, 2011

done with shots

for the next six months! Woo hoo!

Her six month - - check up went well. She tipped the scales at a perfect sixteen pounds, six ounces ... a whopping ten pounds more than she weighed when we brought her home. She is twenty-seven inches from head to heel which puts her in the 95th percentile for height.

Today's four-vaccine combo went over about as well as the last round. And after it was over, the band-aids wouldn't stick to her little legs, so she kept getting poked on the sore spots with more. Sniff. It was sad.

In other news, Isla's slept well for two nights in a row. We're holding our breath and saying our prayers that tonight is no different.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

six months old

Six months ago, we were sitting in the Telfair family room, waiting for the floor manager to bring us to a room. Six months ago, sometime around now, I was posting one of the first few entries on this blog, sipping from both a bottle of water and a bottle of diet coke, and trying not to make a display of myself in front of the other families waiting as my contractions got stronger. Six months ago, I was only waiting to hear the crying that currently serves as background music to this post. Six months ago, I was so ready to meet Isla, and for her to be a part of our family.

Right now, Isla is standing in her exersaucer - the same one that used to belong to her big sister - and managing a menagerie of baby toys while she spins herself around. I'm watching her as she turns the pages of her 'peek-a-boo-baby' cloth book, and watching her fingers stretching and curling as she examines the different textiles of its pages. It's sweet and incredible - seeing her learn right in front of me and knowing that for her, something as small as the difference in satin and corduroy is amazing and full of newness.

Six months ago, Isla was born after what seemed like minutes compared to her sister's thirty-three hour labor. Just a few hours after her birth, her sweet Daddy went to get Mama the dinner she'd been craving ... tacos. This morning, that same sweet Daddy offered to take us all out for ... tacos. Wonder if he remembers ...

Here's our sweet six month old. As her big sis would say, 'Cute, huh? Yeah? Yes you are, Iwah! Yes you are!'

Monday, January 10, 2011


Sort of. She has one word ... and it sounds sort of like mama. She says it when she wants me. Which is usually when she's hungry or wants to be picked up. She stops saying it and smiles when I get to her. So we've pretty much decided it is 'mama'. And I'm pretty much claiming first word rights, which is awesome since I missed out on the claim first time around, what with that Dadoo person hogging all the baby love and stuff.


Yep. That's me. Woo Hoo!!