In reality, it was only two and a half hours, but what with the screams of the unhappy baby coming from the backseat, it felt like longer. And certainly, judging from the intensity of those screams, it must've felt like a lot longer to the baby, too.
It's been a big week for our bitty little bun, and she's held up like a champ. She was completely patient with her Christmas Eve dress (and matching bloomers) and managed to make it through the wonderful Christmas Eve service of Lessons & Carols with no fuss. She took a leisurely view of her first Christmas morning and slept through the majority of present time, which due to a different time table, stretched into her morning 'nap'.
In honor of our dear little Isla, we decorated her first Christmas tree with a variety of handmade tartan roses. Though the tree looked pretty, Isla seemed to notice only the lights. Her favorite ones were the multi-colored blinking ones Mama stashed in a clear vase as a pseudo baby-sitter while she was trying to accomplish a few tasks (without dangling the baby) one day.
It's hard to believe that she's experiencing her first holiday season. It's hard to believe how quickly it's passed us. It's hard to believe that in a few, short hours, the year that saw her birth will be over, and a new one will begin in its place. It's hard to think about how much time has already gone by, how quickly the days move, how speedily she grows. We will wake up tomorrow in two-thousand-something, and our sweet, tiny baby girl will be grown.
Our sweet, Christmas morning Isla...